Subscreva a Ciberescola

Speaking and Listening in Portuguese (European Portuguese)

Ciberescola and INESC-ID are launching the course Speaking and Listening in Portuguese coordinated by Ana Sousa Martins

Language requirements: Candidates should have attended Portuguese classes before for at least six months.
Term: 3 months
Starting: 2nd April 2012
Fee: No fees will be charged in this first course edition.
Goals: Use of Portuguese to communicate in social settings and in culturally appropriate ways.
Course description: This course is designed to help learners to develop their oral fluency both in speaking and listening comprehension. At the end of the course it is expected that learners are able to communicate in Portuguese across a range of topics and registers.
Methodology: Repetition and negotiation activities are held in order to fasten vocabulary recall, internalize syntactic structures and improve pronunciation accuracy. Discourse features are also addressed especially in performances planned by learners in advance.
Number of attendees: Maximum of 20 learners.
Modality: The course is run exclusively online: 3 hours per week of online sessions with the teacher, in groups of no more than 5 learners, and 1h hour of homework. The homework consists of interactive quizzes to reinforce receptive skills. These quizzes are originally carried out by the Spoken Language Systems Lab of INESC-ID.
Technical requirements: Learners must have:
  • Broadband Internet
  • Computer with webcam and microphone
  • Flash Player installed (no course book is needed)
Selection: Ciberescola is fully responsible for the selection of candidates.
Certification: In the end of the course, learners will receive a certificate from Ciberescola stating their level of proficiency in oral performance.
Please note: Before applying, please take the diagnostic test to make sure you have the minimum receptive abilities to attend the course. You must get a score of at least 10 points for each part. Click here to take the test.
Application: Please fill in the form. All your data will be kept private and deleted immediately after the end of the course.